The Art of Balance
"Listenomics" means hearing and engaging with what people care about by listening online and in person more effectively. BizChats and Facebook Live are ways of engaging directly in live real time chats.
What is a BizChat?
BizChats are business conversations online with a network of entrepreneurs. Chats on Twitter and Facebook are big on saving several hours a day driving to and from B2B lunches and the old fashioned networking groups. We use new media to give us more time with those we love and less time in the car.
This is an earth friendly and a life extending way of connecting.
Many people are now getting into business as writers, artists and entrepreneurs without the degrees and education usually required in the past and want to move forward with their desires easily.
Fun Quote from the movie Working Girl on having a mind for business without a ton of experience:
"I have a head for business and a bod for sin.
Is there anything wrong with that?"
- Melanie Griffith as Tess McGill
In regards to technology, there are plenty of people following the details of SEO (Search Engine Optimization), technical online know how and social marketing facts. I have done all that and have advice in that area but my focus is quality of life, listenomics and heart to heart connections.
My passion is connecting people through design and conversation mixed with brand, advertising and media development smarts.
A Master Networker is someone who loves connecting people! As a business intuitive that is my strength. You too can learn to jump in to any conversation online.
What do you need for a BizChat?
Twitter - 2 accounts is best.
1) One with Your Name
2) Your Business, product or AKA handle
Facebook - 2 accounts minimum.
1) Personal with your Real Name
2) Your Business, product or fan page
How you build loyal traffic:
Tweet and post daily, 1-11% of your followers on any platform is an average response number to your business at any one daily snapshot, these are the people paying attention.
So what about email newsletters and how do they work now?
If you do it right, they receive an open rate of 12% - 19%. If done wrong they are unopened. (Be aware that email's demographic is older and your news is now funneled with thousands of other emails and organized into folders that are not seen).
Some say email is dead and I agree in many ways although it is still necessary to include a well designed newsletter for all professional communication. Always be building your list!
Facebook is slow, Twitter is fast, depending on your speed you need both as web drivers to your websites and email list.
A web driver promotes your websites and platforms across an interwoven unseen and seen web of connections. These platforms need to be built and be solid in your own integrity.
To learn more about reach in today's world I highly suggest reading The Long Tail Theory By Chris Anderson, Editor-in-Chief of Wired Magazine.
There is no time better than now to begin a desire you wish fulfilled and it is fun and easy online! Even with family or care taking responsibilities you can grow your business.
Simple Twitter weekend promotion -
1) Traffic on all business Facebook pages doubled.
2) Sunday was the best day reaching 11,105 impressions / eyeballs in only a few hours time.
3) Top mention was over 5,100 people and then 178 engagements re-tweeted by Deepak Chopra.
4) Monday there were 4,025 people impressions.
5) Downloads and shares doubled.
6) Goals met.
A very good weekend to start June without leaving my office.
@JillyWisdom (Start Date 2009)
Tweets earned 5,970 impressions
Top Follower is followed by 749K people
Top Tweet earned 3,011 impressions
@JillJessonSmyth (Start date 2010)
Top Follower followed by 189K people
Top Tweet earned 915 impressions
Here is to your success to listening, engaging and sharing on Twitter!
Much Moksha Love Jilly
Smyth and Jesson Digital Multi Media Agency
Heart to Web Brand Smarts with a KISS!