Tiny Notes

Tiny Notes
from Jilly Jesson

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Sunday, August 14, 2016


Path of Feathers

 This is a feather that showed up for me this month at the entrance to my home. This ancient symbol means shift and change guided by angels.

Joining in with belly dancers at the
Seduction of Spirit retreat at
The Chopra Center

I am thrilled to share how exciting it is to do exactly what I was born to do and 10 tips on why a better term for the Law of Attraction is the Law of Allowing as proposed by Anita Moorjani in her book "Dying To Be Me".

Anita Moorjani signing my book "Dying to Be Me" at The Chopra Center

The universal energy that you want to tap into you were born with and can remember.

"This divine energy is your Charism, a unique expression of grace that empowers you to fulfill your Sacred Contract." 
 - Carolyn Myss, Sacred Contracts, Awakening Your Divine Potential

My Top 10 Daily Law of Allowing Tips:

  1. Meditate twice a day. Begin simply with 10 minutes before doing anything and 10 minutes at night. Grow your practice gradually to a half hour 2x per day. Make it a habit you can not live without.
  2. Journal and write down your dreams in the morning. Much will be revealed from your subconscious.
  3. Learn to breath properly and deeply. If you are stressed or in a hurry, stop and breath.
  4. Take a break every hour during work sessions. Say no to overwork.
  5. Have fun, participate in laughter yoga, watch funny movies and choose to be happy.
  6. Go outside and play, walk and smell the roses. Dance, read and do art. Turn off the phone to allow your inspiration to reveal itself.
  7. Eat really good nutritious food. Turn off the electronics and BE with the people you are with now and listen.
  8. Practice being grateful and recapitulate your day every evening in a way best for you, after or before meditation and by journaling.
  9. Forgive yourself and others, even when you have come up against evil and poor behavior that lacks grace, you can move on to your highest self. Even after life emergencies, trauma and PTSD, be patient and let it all go. Your heart will thank you.
  10. Treat yourself and love yourself first. You do not owe anyone anything. You were created by the divine for a higher purpose, your own heart's desires and talents.    

As you see signs cross your path, like the feather, and animals or images in your life and dreams, pay attention and know that life is sending you symbols of revelation.

"Attention and Intention" 

will guide your desires with ease and grace.  

 KNOW that the change you wish for will be revealed if you are listening.

Namaste' and love, Jilly