Tiny Notes

Tiny Notes
from Jilly Jesson

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Wednesday, February 21, 2018


My Inspiration for 2018
"Journalism is an act of faith in the future."
 - Ann Curry

Wednesday Wisdom: Dream It and Do It
While Having Fun!

#WomenToWatchAZ Founder Jilly Jesson Smyth

International Women's Day 

is Thursday, March 8, 2018

Today I know for sure our paths are aligned for a very special time. A wave of several generations are interwoven in a vision that has never been seen before, a collaboration of trust and integrity is making things happen with young women and mentoring wisdom that is not the norm of the past. A new quilt of many colors, many ages and many experiences is being wrapped around humanity.

Created by Jilly Jesson Smyth
Moksha Life Magazine on Facebook

We are Rebels with a Cause

My purpose in today's essay is to share how one can be aware of the disfunction and pain in todays reality yet stay balanced and focused on our dreams and desires at the same time. Anger can fuel good and great things for you. 
Do not get distracted from your creative talents for too long because it is these talents that will raise us all higher. 

Collaboration is key to balancing radical empathy and helping while staying on point with our work, we have to do this together. 

It has been ironic to feel so excited by all the fantastic progress we are making in so many arenas yet knowing the daily barrage of cruelty and horror is happening at the same time. 

What To Do?

One of the exciting vehicles I have created is my feature stories and coverage of some of the coolest women in my sphere that I cover in Women To Watch AZ. My next feature is about an incredible woman who has published a searing and brilliant memoir on rising from the ashes of trauma in the midwest. The fact that there are no more secrets means we can dare greatly together. #NeverAgain #MeToo #Enough

Be Crazy Makers of Change

Creative and Crazy Strong Stories shared by Jilly Jesson Smyth
Women To Watch AZ by Jilly Jesson Smyth

George Clooney Karma

"George and Amal, I couldn’t agree with you more. I am joining forces with you and will match your $500,000 donation to ‘March For Our Lives.’ These inspiring young people remind me of the Freedom Riders of the 60s who also said we’ve had ENOUGH and our voices will be heard."

- Oprah 

Make A Difference
George and Amal Clooney Give Back  

Anyone Can Make A Difference

Women Are Kicking Ass and 
Our Children Are Starting A Revolution

This year is a turning point in every neighborhood, industry and home and women are leading the charge.

Original Art and Fashion for Home and Lifestyle
Original Art by Jilly Jesson Smyth
"The only time that counts is NOW!"
- Jilly Jesson Smyth