Tiny Notes

Tiny Notes
from Jilly Jesson

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Sunday, March 25, 2012

A Little More About Me


Thank you for coming by and learning more! I would like to share a little about me before going further. I was originally born in the absolutely beautiful city of Ann Arbor, home of the University of Michigan and the Original Ann Arbor Street Art Fair. I traveled and was raised all over the state from Grosse Pointe, Detroit, Traverse City, Lake Charlevoix and all the way up to the cold of Lake Superior to our family cabin in Blackjack, located in the Upper Peninsula, where my grandmother and our Finnish relatives taught us about saunas and skinny dipping! It was a great place to grow up, learn all kinds of sports, water skiing, sail and motor boating, snow skiing, horseback riding, dance, music and biking. I began my advanced education at the U of M at a very young age to study medical illustration and fine art, before my family moved to the great wide open, clear blue sky, mountain filled, southwest.

Go Blue!

Tucson, Arizona has been my home for many years, where I have loved traveling all over the state to Flagstaff, Sedona, Amado, Tubac, Scottsdale, Phoenix, Nogales, Oak Creek Canyon and all the lakes. My favorite water spot being Canyon Lake where I used to go boating with my Dad. Another favorite home was when we were part of the IBM family in San Jose, California; often visiting a favorite city of mine, San Francisco. One of the really neat things I get to do now is learn about and visit all kinds of great locations meeting some incredible people. I love San Diego, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Salt Lake City, Dallas, Austin, Manhattan, New York, Toronto, Seattle, Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, Mexico City and Chicago.   

Miss boating with my Dad

My friends call me Jilly and I grew up in a family of self made men and women who owned their own medical practices and businesses. Our family is made up of dentists, wellness professionals, physicians, ministers and artists. This includes my incredible grandmother, Helen Vitali Jesson, who spoke eight languages and traveled all over the world to Russia and China. I am the eldest of many cousins and have family all over the globe. It is such a pleasure and joy to hook up with relatives in London, Canada, Finland, Italy, Scotland, South America and more! 

Sadly, both my parents, in laws and three of my grandparents are now passed away and my mother's father is in his 100's now living in Colorado. Dealing with the deaths of so many I love has been life changing and renewing at the same time. Taking care of them while they were ill, dealing with the horrific health care system and letting them go changes everything.

My Mom and Dad loved Michigan

Because I love and am passionate about so many things I call myself a New Age Renaissance Women. It is difficult to put it in a nutshell. I am a talented artist and designer, writer, media guru and geek who gets excited about technology, branding and packaging. My background includes being long time successful multi-media executive who loves raising revenue, smart thinking and creativity. 

I spearheaded the launch of many established TV, newspaper and car dealer websites; partnering with successful national and international interactive advertising brand campaigns. I know what products and people have the right stuff to be successful.

The bold color and photography I use for my art, and documenting the huge world shift that is happening now, is combined with a very spiritual and deep understanding. I have been studying health and wellness all my life; reading every single medical publication I could get my hands on since I could first read my father's Journal of the American Medical Association.

God has put all my experience and talents in a direction of helping others as he has helped me through the healing power of Ayurveda. A lifetime of chronic illness, which affected all the things I love to do, is now completely gone and I will share more on how in upcoming posts.

I have accomplished many things, but I am most excited about starting my education in Perfect Health by pursuing my goal of a Master's in Ayurvedic Medicine and helping people feel better. My own business has always been what has given me joy and happiness and I absolutely love being able to choose who is in my life. I am surrounded by the best people I have ever worked with, sharing the tools of financial and health freedom. We are helping family's open their minds to find the love, desire, health and prosperity they deserve through mind, body, spirit healing.  

The philanthropic arm of my company is also very powerful. We give to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital  and we have a focus on eliminating the abuse that affects children, seniors and animals. Animals have always been huge in my life and I have a house full!

I love my friends, sharing and cooking in my kitchen, being outside on the patio and in the garden, shopping for good food, eating well, reading wonderful books, painting, designing jewelry, yoga, modern dance, meditation, walking my dogs in the mountain air and listening to all kinds of music. A happy day is filled with art, fashion and film, sitting at a bistro having fun anywhere in the world with friends and family!

Namaste and Love, Jilly

Dining out at one of our favorite Italian bistros!